Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Art!

Well I just have to gush about the latest additions to our ongoing collection of Hamilton artwork....

Ilya accidentally did some shopping at Mixed Media last week and came home with the new Paul Elia print below (find out more about his Hamilto Strip work here). We LOVE his images, and this one speaks to us because it's of Locke Street - our 'hood!! It's so cool the way these are just a snapshop in time. There's already at least one new storefront on Locke since this was taken.

And just the day before buying this, Ilya came home (finally!) with this painting of the Pigott Building by Amy Kenny that he won at last year's Timeraiser (which is an awesome event, by the way, so be sure to check it out!). Let me tell you, we've been waiting for this one to come home for a LONG time. So excited!

Thank you Hamilton artists - you're the best!

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