Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Found Frames

In my opinion, the best frames are lovely old ornate ones that need a little TLC to be reinvented.

I've had these two little frames for a while, and although they are adorable, hadn't got around to doing anything with them yet. Now, I will admit that these, and the little paintings inside them, are really cute, but they had potential to be really stunning...

Well, yesterday I tackled them! They have a great shape, but that faux gold overtop of wood? Yuck.

Soooo, five coats of white spraypaint later (I've really got to use primer next time) they are looking fantastic!

And then I remembered that Ilya and I bought a pair of prints in New Orleans two years ago that are awesome, but they have no home on the wall yet because we couldn't find frames for them. (Don't you love these happy, rockin' out skeletons?)

As it turns out, these frames are perfect for the two prints. I've been waiting very patiently to find frames that worked for these, and I just accidentally found them. Yes!!!

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